
Hostiso - hosting for you!How to update domain contact details / WHOIS data

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Here at Hostiso we try to provide easy and fast way of doing meany things, and one of them is easy and quick way to update domain WHOIS (contact data). To update your domain data with use, fallow these steps.

STEP 1: Login to your client area at my.hostiso.com and click on: DOMAINS > MY DOMAINS it will open you page with list of your domains.

STEP 2: On that page click on dropdown option on right side of domain you wish to update WHOIS data and select: EDIT CONTACT INFORMATION


STEP 3: On CONTACT INFORMATION page you can then edit any data you wish, names, email, phone, country, select to use your contact details from client area or use new contact details etc.

That is all, you then just click SAVE.

– Any domain contact details change will trigger security lock and prevent domain transfer of domain for 60 days.
– If you wish to hide your contact details you can order WHOIS PROTECTION/ID PROTECION from left side, under ADDONS.

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